CPT John "John" R Greenway was a VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 10/04/2020 at the age of 94.0
Bainbridge Island, WA
Date of Birth 09/18/1926
Served in Vietnam with AIR AMERICA in 65-79
This information was provided by Obit

More detail on this person: John R. Greenway described himself as a child of two very patriotic parents. His father served as radio operator during WWI, and his mother, a teacher, supported the country working at the Boeing aircraft company. One of four siblings, John did not consider himself a grand national figure. What he was is a warrior dedicated to the survival of the United States of America. He represented America in WWII and Korea. In 1965 he joined Air America and spent ten years in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and the Sudan. For this he received no recognition and little recompense. He didn't expect there to be. Those who knew John will remember his amazing stories. With the notable grit that carried him through, at the age of 93, John spoke to the students at Bainbridge Island High School and let them know his experiences at war were fun even if it was hell. For John it was worth the adventure. And he had quite a few adventures. He shared stories of being on little islands in the Pacific during World War II. He enjoyed talking about Asia from being in Japan to little outposts in Laos. He'd tell about daredevil flights while rescuing the vulnerable and wounded from the forested hills. Always with a tone of reverence, he would remember flying the dead home. If you knew him well, he might share the story of rescuing a sweet lady from Mount Baker. A longtime resident of Bainbridge Island, John would light up being in the outdoors with the trees or being on his beach. He always had a pocketful of seed for little critters. One of his favorite modes of transportation was by air. He really loved it, and he loved beer. Whether it was flying over the volcanos of Hawaii, firefighting in California, piloting in the Kenai peninsula or flying to have breakfast at Heaven on Earth in Oregon, if you sat down to have a beer with him, he'd get a twinkle in his eye, size you up and decide which story would be the most fun to share. John was the friend of many and is survived by family, friends, his fellow Air America and China Post 1 warriors, and his beloved dog Zepplin. Although he did not believe himself to be extraordinary, John R. Greenway was a legend for many. In lieu of flowers, and in honor of his service donations to Air America and China Post 1 are appreciated.

This information was last updated 12/29/2022

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Date posted on this site: 10/23/2024

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