CW2 Wayne M. Goodhope was a potential VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 12/12/1994 at the age of 50.0
Fort Wainwright, AK
Flight Class 69-33
Date of Birth 12/12/1944
Served in the U.S. Army
Served in Vietnam with 162 AHC in 69-70, 18 AVN in 72-73
Call sign in Vietnam GREEN DELTA 22
This information was provided by John M. Harris, SSN deceased search

More detail on this person: I served with Wayne in the same companies, in both Vietnam and immediately afterwards at Ft Lewis, WA. As you will note by doing the math, Wayne was 50 when he died, rather than 49 (Note: According to the dates I could find as well, it appears he died exactly on his 50th birthday: 12/12/94; have been unable to determine cause of death.)

Wayne actually served three tours in Vietnam; his first was as an enlisted combat engineer; his second was as a pilot in the 162nd, as is correctly listed; and his final was with me in the 18th Aviation Co. (Corps), from either November or December 1972 through March 1973. His primary call sign was Green Delta 22.

He also served as a A/C flying as a member and in support of the JMC, which was the four-power (U.S., RVN, NVA, VC), Joint Military Commission, formed after the Cease-Fire and which operated from Jan - Mar 73.

Wayne was the only Eskimo I have ever known or served with; tragically, he was acting as the Aircraft Commander of the unarmed UH-1H which was hit by small arms fire just a few hours following the cease-fire, on 28 Jan 73, in which his co=pilot, WO1 Anthony Dal Pozzo, was hit, then died from his wounds the following day, which made Dal Pozzo, the last Army Pilot KIA in Vietnam.

FYI: Wayne never got over the trauma of having lost Tony as the last Army pilot KIA, and blamed himself, as the A/C, for the loss. (Wayne told me personally that he had never lost a soldier before on either of his previous two tours.)

From: John M. Harris

This information was last updated 05/18/2016

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