CPT James W. Groulx was a potential VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 11/22/1980 at the age of 37.5 from A/C accident
Encinitas, CA
Date of Birth 05/25/1943
Served in the U.S. Marine Corps
This information was provided by Al Kendris, Steve Ward, SSN deceased search

More detail on this person: James Groulx who was my step father. He died Nov 22nd, 1980 while test flying the Apache YAH-64 for Hughes Helicopter off the coast of Encinitas, CA following a mid-air collision with a T-28 chase plane filming their flight session, the pilot of which was responsible for the crash.

From: Steve Ward I am a retired U.S. Army soldier. I thought about James Groulx today, and googled his name. I baby-sat his kids a number of times in the mid 1970s in Pax River Md to make some pocket money. His wife told my mom they wanted a boy baby sitter because the kids were driving the girls who showed up crazy. I used to run around the Pax River airfield with him on the weekends. Those 10-20+ mile runs were pretty miserable and lots of fun. He was a great guy. My dad was not at all supportive of my going into the military, and CPT Groulx was a role model to me and helped me put packets together to submit to the service academies. He also wrote letters of recommendation for me to attend USNA and USMA (To his "disappointment" I went to West Point). I retired recently. I stayed in touch with him and his wife (Pat?) for a few years and I heard from her that that he died in an accident. For some reason I thought it happened in the summer of 1979 which doesn't make sense, but the passage of time does that. From: Al Kendris

This information was last updated 07/09/2020

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