More detail on this person: UH-1H slung a short shaft while testing night vision devices - hit
wire during autorotation with Burkett, Kinman, and Sinclair.On 16 May 73 we lost a UH-1 at Ft Knox
with all crew and passengers killed. One of them was a classmate of mine, CW2 Kenneth A. Getchull
(as listed in the VHPA directory but I think it was actually spelled Getchell). We heard that the
aircraft was on final when it struck some high tension lines and severed the mast. I believe CW3
Steve Sink was aboard the aircraft also. This information was last updated 05/18/2016
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Copyright © 1998 - 2024 Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association
From: Steve Harper, Maj, AVN (Ret)
Kenneth and Charles Getchell were brothers.