More detail on this person: Major Clifford Ronald Goodell served with the Big Red 1 his first
tour in Viet Nam and was a member of the Blue Max Pilots on his second tour. He received the Silver
Medal, several Bronze medals and three Purple Hearts and many flight medals during his 19 years and
seven months in the United States Army. He left behind his wife Juliette, a son, Frank Robert
Goodell and two daughters, Angelique Rochelle Goodell and Juliette Suzanne Goodell all of whom
reside in hawaii. He was killed on Bridgeport way in Tacoma, Washington as was another person, a
lady driving in the opposite direction of my husband and she also left a 16 year old son also named
Frankie. The accident occurred on on December 18, 1977, caused by a 17 year old drunk driver from
Saudi Arabia, supposedly attending medical school in the United States. His name was Monsour
Othman Al-Hamaid Al-Huessein and he was granted political immunity and taken out of the country the
same night he killed my husband by his father who its said was the Commanding General of the Saudia
Arabian Army. This information was last updated 05/18/2016
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From: Juliette Quilinderino