WO1 Gregory "Gregg" A Grant was a potential VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 11/02/1994 at the age of 48.5 from Injuries
Bangor, ME
Flight Class 67-5
Date of Birth 05/21/1946
Served in the U.S. Army
Served in Vietnam with C/2/20 ARA 1 CAV in 67
Call sign in Vietnam BLUE MAX
This information was provided by John Halvorsen

More detail on this person: Service related injuries from being shot down in RVN. It is with sadness that I must report that one of VHPA's missing, Gregg Grant, was found to have passed away. Gregg died on November 2, 1994 in Bangor, Maine.

Gregory Grant was born on May 21, 1946 in Caribou but moved to Presque Isle, Maine as he entered high school. Gregg was a popular student and athlete at Presque Isle High School. He was president of the student council and co-captain of the basketball team. In the spring he played baseball. He graduated from high school in 1964. He began college at the University of Maine in Orono.

Gregg was a member of class 67-5 and awarded his wings on May 9, 1967.

He was assigned to C Battery, 2nd Battalion, 20th Artillery, 1st Cavalry Division in June of 1967.

On September 6, 1967, Gregory Grant was assigned as copilot in aircraft 64-14028. Captain Winston Robinson, age 24, from Rector, Alabama, would serve as the pilot. The crew chief was SP4 Paul Clark, a 23 year old from Lynwood, California. While providing close support the aircraft's tail rotor was hit and the aircraft went down. Only Gregg survived.

Gregg's body had been shattered. After being stabilized he was airlifted to the U.S. Army Medical Center in the Ryukyu Islands where he spent many weeks. On October 12, 1967 Gregg was awarded the Purple Heart.

Gregg was returned to Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington D.C. and ultimately sent to the VA hospital in Roxbury, Massachusetts. In December 1967, while he was still hospitalized, he was discharged from the Army with a total disability. Following many more long and painful months he was discharged from the hospital. He eventually learned to walk again, normally with the aid of at least one cane. He was told that because of his internal injuries he would have a dramatically reduced lifespan.

Some might say that Gregg was not really a survivor of the crash, only that he lived longer. Those closest to him take strong exception. While for most, the damage, pain and loss would have been too great to bear; Gregg tried to pick up where he had left off. He returned to Maine where he married. The couple adopted two children. Gregg was determined to work, support his family and lead an active life. His body could not always accommodate that desire.

Gregg was given about 25 additional years on this earth. During those years he continued in and out of hospitals. He endured more physical, mental, and emotional hardship than most people will ever know.

But those closest to him say that he fought the good fight. They believe that he was left among us for those additional years so that they might learn from him; about courage, suffering, determination, compassion, and themselves.

Gregg was laid to rest on a gentle hillside in the State of Maine Veterans Cemetery in Augusta.

Burial information: State of Maine Veterans Cemetery, Augusta, ME

This information was last updated 05/18/2016

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