CW2 John D Green was a potential VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 01/31/1976 at the age of 32.9 from Motorcycle accident
Flight Class 64-6W
Date of Birth 02/26/1943
Served in the U.S. Army
Served in Vietnam with 178 ASHC in 67
This information was provided by 178 ASHC Newsletter

More detail on this person: 178th-132 ASHC-400th TC ASSOC 04-26-67 CW2 Walter F. Morris KIA by small arms fire while on final approach to Da Nang.The other pilot, CW2 John Green, was also hit twice but was able to land the Chinook. Mr. Green and the flight engineer, Robert (Duke) Enlow, both received the distinguished flying cross. Enlow lifted Mr. Morris's body off the collective, where he had slumped, and held him up until Mr. Green could get A/C 148 on the ground.

Burial information: City of Lubbock Cemetery, Lubbock, TX

This information was last updated 12/01/2017

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