CPT Larry B. Hancock was a potential VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 06/12/2002 at the age of 55.6 from Heart problems
Raleigh, NC
Flight Class 71-14
Date of Birth 11/04/1946
Served in the U.S. Army
Served in Vietnam with 17 CAV
This information was provided by Sierra Vista Herald Review obit, Richard Green rgreen@isgroup.net

More detail on this person: Heart problems.Entered the Navy after high school and served aboard the USS Ranger. He then changed to the U.S. Army and became a member of the Special Forces, an Airborne Ranger, and graduated from fixed wing flight school. He served three tours in Vietnam two of which were as a helicopter and fixed wing pilot with the 17th Air Cavalry. He was wounded during his second tour of duty. He received the Purple Heart, Bronze Star, Silver Star and about 30 Air Medals. He was buried at the Fort Bayard National Cemetery.

From the Sierra Vista Herald Review, June 17, 2002.

Burial information: Fort Bayard National Cemetery

This information was last updated 05/18/2016

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