WO1 Steven R. Lyons was a VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 03/09/2019 at the age of 70.5
Denver, CO
Flight Classes 68-17 and 68-29
Date of Birth 09/04/1948
Served in the U.S. Army
Served in Vietnam with 335 AHC in 68-69
This information was provided by Lyle Borders

More detail on this person: Lyle knew Steve and attended his memorial service at Ft Logan; but doesn't have his obit. When Steve's name did not appear in the Ft Logan grave listing, Mike Law visited the Cemetery's administrative offices on 10 June 2019. Mike learned: (1) The family only had a Memorial Service at Ft Logan; but Steve's cremated remains are not yet interned there. (2) The date of death was 9 March 2019. (3) All Veterans provided the cremation services 303-234-0911. Mike called All Veterans and talked to a Kevin N? who provided the following details: (1) In order for the Cemetery to schedule a Memorial Service, the family must give the Cemetery at least 1/3 of the ashes. (2) The Memorial Service was held on 19 April 2019. Kevin needed to do some more research for Steve's notes and promised to call Mike Law.

Burial information: Fort Logan National Cemetery

This information was last updated 06/11/2019

Please send additions or corrections to: VHPA Headquarters

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Date posted on this site: 01/11/2025

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