CPT Robert "Bob" W. Letton was a potential VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 03/11/1994 at the age of 54.0
Louisville, KY
Date of Birth 03/01/1940
Served in the U.S. Air Force
Served in Vietnam with 38 ARRS DET 5 in 65-66
Call sign in Vietnam JOLLY GREEN
This information was provided by Dave Baggott

More detail on this person: HON. HAROLD ROGERS of kentucky in the house of representatives Thursday, April 28, 1994

Mr. ROGERS. Mr. Speaker, the people of Kentucky and the Nation lost a war hero and humble servant when Bob Letton passed away on Friday, March 11. Bob Letton was truly a war hero. Flying over 100 missions in Vietnam, Letton rescued many downed Air Force and Navy pilots behind enemy lines. He also served a 1-year tour as the commander of a Sikorsky helicopter unit.

Letton attained the rank of captain and was awarded a Presidential Citation, two Distinguished Flying Crosses and a host of other military decorations for his bravery and valor. After returning to civilian life in 1967, Bob went to work for the farmers of Kentucky, starting work as a Farmers Home Administration [FmHA] assistant county supervisor in London. Later, he became the Montgomery County supervisor before moving to the State FmHA office in 1975. As the State's FmHA director of community and business programs, Bob's work was vital to agribusinesses and other small businesses in Kentucky. In 1992, when the Rural Development Association separated from FmHA, Bob became the State's first RDA coordinator, where he served our communities, State, and country until his death. Bob Letton was responsible for millions of dollars of projects to help Kentucky. Whether it was hospitals, water projects, or helping farmers.

Bob Letton always listened and worked as hard as he could for the people of Kentucky. Just like those downed pilots he flew missions to rescue, he rescued thousands of farmers, businesses, and families from disasters. That was Bob Letton. Giving himself and always willing to risk himself for others.

Bob Letton was intelligent, fair, honest and cheerful. He was always positive and knew if he worked hard enough, he could make things happen. That is the definition of a great leader. All of his efforts focused on improving the quality of life for the people of Kentucky. Because of this commitment, he will be sorely missed.

U.S. Government Publishing Office GPO.GOV

Burial information: Machpelah Cemetery, Mount Sterling, KY

This information was last updated 03/01/2019

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