CW2 Malcolm V. Loepke was a potential VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 02/12/1999 at the age of 65.0
Elwood, IN
Flight Class 69-15
Date of Birth 01/25/1934
Served in the U.S. Army
This information was provided by SSN search

More detail on this person: Malcolm was in my flight class, but his story is a bit more interesting than that given above. He was the only member of Class 69-15 who was not assigned to Vietnam. Due to his father's current service in South Vietnam, Malcolm was assigned to South Korea and was shot down by the North Koreans August 17, 1969 after encroaching across the DMZ on a training flight. He was released by the North Vietnamese in December 1969. -Stephen Briese

Burial information: Elwood Cemetery, Elwood, IN

This information was last updated 06/02/2021

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