More detail on this person: Retired CW3 William "Monty" Montgomery of Lawton OK, died Dec 7
1995 of liver cancer. He was a life member of the VHPA and a graduate of Flight Class 66-9. Monty
served with the 176th AHC and 281st AHC during his first tour in RVN 1966-67. During his second tour
in 1969 - 70 he was an instructor pilot with the 273rd Aviation Co. (Skycranes) at Long Binh.
Bill retired from the Army in May 1978 and was employed with PHI until he was grounded due to
diabetes, at which time he and Judy traveled around the US for several years then he went back to
work as an instructor in the flight simulator at Fort Sill for many years.
He was a member of Special Forces Assn, American Legion, TROA and VHPA. He is survived by his
wife Judy who is still residing in Lawton OK.
From: Judy Montgomery
This information was last updated 05/18/2016
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Date posted on this site: 01/11/2025
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