More detail on this person: George was the pilot and his UH-34 crashed near Prichit, Thailand.
Co-pilot Sgt. Hunter, Mr. Gee mechanic (Thai national) and 6 Laotian helicopter students all
deceased. This information was last updated 05/18/2016
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At that time, as a teen was told it was a "mechanical malfunction" (this is same helicopter that he
flew for several years there, did stunt flying in it for fundraisers, etc.) but my English teacher
whose husband was military said it may have been shot down? I know that while in Thailand, he told
me (and showed me maps) that he was officially in Thailand to train Thai and Laotian nationals how
to fly and fix the helicopters the US govt gave them but unofficially he would be out spotting
Communist camps near and over the borders between Thailand and Laos/Cambodia (maybe some
connection to Air America?).
In Thailand Apr 1968 - Oct 25 1970 with DEPCHJUSMAG Thai stationed at Udorn (we lived in Bangkok
Jun 1969 - 1970, he came down to visit every other weekend)
Tour in Vietnam: Dec/Jan 1966 (Operation Blue Light) to 4 Dec 66, stationed at Pleiku. His
military record shows HHC 3dBdeTF25thInfDiv. (don't know what TF stands for) He was part of group
that called themselves unofficially "Aloha Airlines - Vietnam Branch"
From: Margaret Kuni
I was stationed with Mr George T. McKenzie at Udorn RTAFB in 1970 when he and Sgt Hunter were
killed in an aircraft accident.
From: Dale Kelly