More detail on this person: Phil died Aug. 9, 2001 and exactly 50 years to the day, Aug. 9, 196l,
he got the "Winged S" Air Rescue Emblem from Sikorsky Helicopters for piloting one of their
helicopters in a rescue mission in the mountains in Italy--one of our first days there. Don't
remember what unit he was with in 'Nam but he went over with the Big Red One from Kansas the first
time. The second time he was stationed in Thailand and the last time he was there TDY for several
months after the peace treaty had been signed in 1973 and the government had let too many guys
come home too soon. Don't know what other info they want, but they can always contact me and hope
I can furnish any more info needed. This information was last updated 05/18/2016
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Copyright © 1998 - 2024 Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association
From: Gladys Misner
Phil was a former Marine pilot who joined the Army in 1956, a long time IP at Rucker. Served in
Italy and 5th Army in Chi. Joined the 11th Air Assault Div at Ft. Benning in 1964 and on to Vietnam
with the 1st CAV.
From James R. Oden, July 2002.