CW4 Scott J Temple was a potential VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 02/25/1988 at the age of 43.9 from A/C accident
Flight Classes 69-39 and 69-37
Date of Birth 04/15/1944
Served in the U.S. Army
Served in Vietnam with 189 AHC
This information was provided by Kevin Mason, John Graysneck

More detail on this person: CH-47D crash going from Ft Hook to Ft Sill with CW4 Ronald W. Bender.CH-47 from A/2-158 AVN tail number 86-01643 nose-dived into a cow pasture near Chico, NW of Dallas and skidded about 75' before it broke apart in a sheet of fire on its way to Ft. Sill from Ft. Hood.

This information was last updated 05/18/2016

Please send additions or corrections to: HQ@vhpa.org VHPA Headquarters

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Date posted on this site: 06/15/2024

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