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Name: 1LT James "Fred" Durward Flurry
Status: Killed In Action from an incident on 05/02/1969 while performing the duty of Pilot.
Age at death: 26.3
Date of Birth: 01/04/1943
Home City: Nashville, TN
Service: AR branch of the reserve component of the U.S. Army.
Unit: C/7/17 CAV
Major organization: 1st Aviation Brigade
Flight class: 68-16/68-26
Service: AR branch of the U.S. Army.
The Wall location: 26W-098
Short Summary: Shot in the An Loa Valley west of LZ English north of the rock pile later called Flurry's Hill. see memo.
Aircraft: OH-6A tail number 66-07914
Call sign: RED
Service number: O5261313
Country: South Vietnam
MOS: 1951
Primary cause: Hostile Fire
Major attributing cause: aircraft connected not at sea
Compliment cause: small arms fire
Vehicle involved: helicopter
Position in vehicle: pilot
Started Tour: 11/18/1968
"Official" listing: helicopter air casualty - pilot
Length of service: 02
Location: Binh Dinh Province II Corps.

Additional information about this casualty:
Eye witnesses reported that the LOH was at a hover when it started moving slowly backwards and crashed into the trees. When LT Flurry's body was found he had been shot in the head. SP4 Mansergh was in the front seat and died in the crash. Another EM, named Wesley, was riding in the back and survived the crash. The Blues were inserted and Wesley was extracted quickly. Jim came into our troop Oct 68. He was well liked. CPT Hammond (gunship leader) renamed Jim to Fred (Hammond said "You do not look like a Jim, you are a Fred"). When Fred was killed most of the troop did not know his real name, he was Fred. "Fred was my room mate. I miss him. Bye Fred." Marty Martinez "Red 6"

Reason: aircraft lost or crashed
Casualty type: Hostile - killed
married male U.S. citizen
Race: Caucasian
Religion: Baptist - other groups
The following information secondary, but may help in explaining this incident.
Category of casualty as defined by the Army: battle dead Category of personnel: active duty Army Military class: officer
This record was last updated on 07/04/1996

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Please send additions or corrections to: The VHPA Webmaster Gary Roush.

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Date posted on this site: 10/25/2024

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