Information on U.S. Army helicopter UH-1H tail number 69-15375
The Army purchased this helicopter 0570
Total flight hours at this point: 00000048
Date: 08/15/1970 MIA-POW file reference number: 1657
Incident number: 70081525.KIA
Unit: 71 AHC
UTM grid coordinates: YC509163 (To see this location on a map, go to and search on Grid Reference 48PYC509163)
Original source(s) and document(s) from which the incident was created or updated: Defense Intelligence Agency Reference Notes. Defense Intelligence Agency Helicopter Loss database. Also: 1657 ()
Loss to Inventory
Crew Members:
REFNO Synopsis:
Name: James Christof Becker
Rank/Branch: O2/US Army
Unit: 71st Aviation Company, 14th Aviation Battalion, 16th Aviation Group, 23rd
Infantry Division (Americal)
Date of Birth: 18 April 1944 (Oxford NE)
Home City of Record: Palestine TX
Date of Loss: 15 August 1970
Country of Loss: Laos
Loss Coordinates: 154943N 1070111E (YC509163)
Status (in 1973): Killed/Body Not Recovered
Category: 3
Aircraft/Vehicle/Ground: UH1H
Other Personnel in Incident: Peter A. Schmidt (missing); Michael D. Christ;
Raymond W. Anderson (both rescued)
SYNOPSIS: On August 15, 1970, 1Lt. James C. Becker, pilot; CW2 Raymond W.
Anderson, aircraft commander; SP4 Michael D. Christ, crewchief; and SP4 Peter
A. Schmidt, door gunner; were flying a UH1H helicopter (tail number 69-15375)
on a reconnaissance team extraction mission in Laos.
Because of the difficult terrain in the area of the planned extraction, the
recon team was to be lifted out by ladder. The helicopter hovered 50 feet over
the pickup zone and dropped the ladder from the right side of the aircraft.
Five of the team members climbed onto the ladder, and the helicopter began to
lift off. At about 100 feet the aircraft began to receive small arms fire and
The five team members were stripped off the ladder by the trees as the
helicopter descended. After the crash, CW2 Anderson checked the two crewmen on
the right side of the aircraft, noticing that 1Lt. Becker was upright in his
seat, however, it seemed that he had hit his head into the overhead instrument
panel in the force of the impact. Becker's helmet was gone, and there was blood
on the floor. CW2 Anderson stated that Becker did not appear to be breathing.
Anderson then unsuccessfully attempted to free Schmidt from the right gunnel.
He noted no blood on Schmidt, but stated that Schmidt did not appear to be
SP4 Christ checked SP4 Schmidt and noticed that he was breathing, and in short
gasps, and was losing a great deal of blood. Christ had dislocated his
collarbone, so was unable to free Schmidt from the wreckage.
Christ and Anderson returned to the pickup zone and were extracted. No attempts
were made to return and recover Becker and Schmidt because of the location and
hostile forces in the area. Although no other personnel are listed as missing
from this incident, the fate of the team members on the ladder remains unknown.
They were either recovered (dead or alive), or were indigenous personnel (and
would not be listed on U.S. casualty lists).
This record was last updated on 05/25/1998
This information is available on CD-ROM.
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