Fourth enclave established at Qui Nhon information
for SLF

For date 650630

SLF was a US Marine Corps unit
7 MARINES was a US Marine Corps unit
HMM-163 was a US Marine Corps unit
Primary service involved, US Marine Corps
Binh Dinh Province, II Corps, South Vietnam
Location, Qui Nhon
Description: MACV feared that the esting Army logistic buildup at Qui Nhon offered too lucrative a target for the VC and since there were no Army units immediately available, requested another Marine battalion provide security. During June, the Navy and Marines had reconstituted the SLF with BLT 3/7 and HMM-163 on the Iwo Jima. They arrived off Qui Nhon on the 30th and landed on the 1st which established the Marines fourth enclave.
Comments: LTC Ewer, Norman G.; HMM-163 CO; ;

The source for this information was USMC H 1965 P:54

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address:

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