unit history information
for A/1 AVN
173 ABN
145 CAB
From date 650915 to 650922
A/1 AVN was a US Army unit
173 ABN was a US Army unit
145 CAB was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Binh Duong Province, III Corps, South Vietnam
Location, Phuoc Vinh
Description: The A Company, 1st Aviation Battalion unit history states they moved to Phuoc Vinh early on the 15th and remained there through 22 Sep when they returned to Saigon. Although they were in direct support of the ARVN Airborne Brigade, they were frequently recalled to III Corps control to participate in airlanded assaults and extractions with the 145th Avn Bn. They also provided the 173d Airborne Brigade with aircraft for resupply, medical evacuation, and small troop placements. The majority of their aircraft averaged 4 to 8 hours a day flying time during this period. During the operation a 200 bed hospital and supplies were found along with an ammunition factory and tons of ammunition. Heavily fortified bunkers and miles of tunnels were also found along with many tons of rice which was removed or destroyed. This became the first in a series of major operations throughout this area involving US troops. A Company was to return to this area many times.
The source for this information was STAGECOACH, History of the 155th AML by CPT John A. Geurin
Additional information is available on CD-ROM.
Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address: webmaster@vhpa.org
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