unit history information
for A/1 AVN
145 CAB
173 ABN
13 CAB

From date 651006 to 651009

A/1 AVN was a US Army unit
145 CAB was a US Army unit
173 ABN was a US Army unit
13 CAB was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
South Vietnam
Location, Saigon
Description: The A Company, 1st Aviation Battalion unit history states on the 6th they were alerted for movement to Saigon, to be attached to the 145th Avn Bn. The operation involved lifting elements of the 173d Airborne Bde by means of five airmobile companies into two LZs in the famous Iron Triangle 30 Kms north of Saigon. The initial operation was conducted by making a troop lift into a secured LZ to act as a blocking force for the mobile elements which were landed in four lifts in an LZ 12 Kms to the west. The area had been prestruck by USAF B-52's six hour prior to the assault and F-100's along with artillery of the 173d Abn Bde were used to prestrike the LZ. As the 173d swept through the Iron Triangle they encountered few VC but found large stores of supplies, including enough rice to feed a VC regiment for four months. They also uncovered fresh evidence of the enemy's long famed trenching arts: tunnels up to 40 feet deep and several hundred yards long, with angled corridors and galleries to reduce blast effects, air vents and emergency exits. Weapons of all makes and calibres were found along with an abundance of ammunition, mines and grenades. Sufficient medical supplies to establish a field hospital were found and recovered by the ground troops. Upon release for support of the 173d, A Company moved even farther south to join with the 13th Avn Bn at Soc Trang.

The source for this information was STAGECOACH, History of the 155th AML by CPT John A. Geurin

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address: webmaster@vhpa.org

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