unit history information
for A/1 AVN
attack on Plei Me SF Camp
119 AVN
For date 651028
A/1 AVN was a US Army unit
119 AVN was a US Army unit
42 ARVN RNG was a Vietnamese Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Pleiku Province, II Corps, South Vietnam
Location, Plei Me
Description: The A Company, 1st Aviation Battalion unit history states they joined with the 119th Aviation Company to extract the 42d ARVN Airborne Rangers from Plei Me to the New Pleiku Airfield marking the end of this blood battle. The unit history goes on to quote from a Newsweek Magazine article that mentions this battle.
The source for this information was STAGECOACH, History of the 155th AML by CPT John A. Geurin
Additional information is available on CD-ROM.
Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address: webmaster@vhpa.org
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