unit history information
for B/2/20 ARA
C/2/20 ARA
battle of the Ia Drang Valley
For date 651120
B/2/20 ARA was a US Army unit
C/2/20 ARA was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Pleiku Province, II Corps, South Vietnam
Location, Pleiku
Description: The battalion history states that on the 20th Battery B, commanded by MAJ Dewey M. King, relieved Battery C in Pleiku. This allowed Battery C some rest after their involvement in the Battle of the Ia Drang Valley. On the first day, Battery B fired 288 rockets killing 9 VC but shortly thereafter the remnants of the enemy forces exfiltrated the area. Battery B then began escorting 1st Cav units back to An Khe camp and at the same time supported various ARVN units.
Comments: MAJ King, Dewey M.; Btry B CO; ;
The source for this information was 2/20 ARA History 1 July - 31 Dec 65 by CPT George C. Sullivan
Additional information is available on CD-ROM.
Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address: webmaster@vhpa.org
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