Battle of Tan Binh information
for 1/4 CAV

For date 660224

1/4 CAV was a US Army unit
1 BDE 1 INF DIV was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
South Vietnam
Location, Tan Binh
Description: As part of ROLLING STONE, the 1st Bde, 1st Inf Div, specifically the 1/26th Inf and B/1/4 Cav, were supporting a road construction mission by the 1st Eng Bn to provide an all-weather road between QL 13 and 16 south of Lai Khe. The VC attacked from three directions in groups of 30 and 40. These attacks were repulsed with SA, mortars, and arty. The arty was often used in a direct fire mode. The VC left 142 dead on the battlefield.

The following is from Carl Bradfield

I was with B Co., 1st Bn./26th Inf. at Tan Binh that night of February 25, 1966 and help beat off one of the three assaults that began around 2:00 a.m. But there was also a VC probing attack the night before at our positions where grenades were thrown and mortars fired from behind a rice paddy berm; about a 30 minutes firefight. We didn't realize the VC's were inside our wire perimeter even though someone fired off a White Star cluster. The berm was bulldozed by a construction graders next morning (morning of the 25th). The enemy body count is now put at 147, but I and my buddies witnessed piles of bodies thrown on animal carts and pulled away by VC's during our part in this fight that had to number in the hundreds (no confirmation of course). I wrote a chapter in a book about this from my POV (Blue Spaders, Vietnam).

The source for this information was Tunner 1st Inf Div P22&122

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address:

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