operation VIRGINIA information
for HMM-163
A-101 SF DET

From date 660404 to 660501

HMM-163 was a US Marine Corps unit
A-101 SF DET was a US Army unit
1 MARINES was a US Marine Corps unit
Primary service involved, US Marine Corps
Operation VIRGINIA
Quang Tri Province, I Corps, South Vietnam
Location, Khe Sanh
Description: This was a reconnaissance sweep operation of the area within a 10-kilometer radius of the Khe Sanh SF camp. Supported by a 105mm artillery battery, a Marine battalion (minus one company from the 1st Battalion, 1st Marines) and an ARVN battalion were flown into Khe Sanh. This was the first time a large American force had been in the Khe Sanh area. HMM-163 provided helicopter support when the infantry moved away from the camp. When the sweep did not produce contact, the battalion marched 30 miles down QL 9 to Cam Lo. It was the first time any large force had used Route 9 in approximately eight years.

The source for this information was USMC H 1966 P 140-143; Green berets P:137

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address: webmaster@vhpa.org

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