operation CORONADO XI information
for MRF 9 INF

From date 680213 to 680306

MRF 9 INF was a US Army unit
9 ARVN DIV was a Vietnamese Army unit
21 ARVN DIV was a Vietnamese Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Phong Binh Province, IV Corps, South Vietnam
Description: A joint operation where the Mobile Riverine Force, operating with elements of ARVN 9th and 21st Divisions, conducts riverine, air and ground search operations in Cai Rang and Phung Hiep Districts of Phong Dinh Province to locate and destroy Viet Cong MR 3 headquarters and to cordon and search Cu Lao May island in the Bassac River southwest of Can Tho. The operation is also to relieve enemy pressure on the city of Can Tho.

The source for this information was Rand, Chron P:68

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address: webmaster@vhpa.org

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