unit history information
for B/7/17 CAV

For date 680226

B/7/17 CAV was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
South Vietnam
Description: B/7/17 Cav was once again at Kontum city. A pre-planned insertion of the Blues was completed at 0800 and netted 5 NVA KIA's. The Blues were extracted and returned to Camp Enari after completing a thorough search of the area. The Scouts then discovered an area which contained 8 hooches with black pajamas draped across bushes. Also 10 to 15 tunnel entrances were located. The Blues were recalled to develop this situation. A thorough examination of the vicinity revealed a hospital complex with 2 operating tables, 1 7.62 ChiCom pistol, 2 medical kits, 110 pounds of medical supplies, 101 pounds of documents, 1 dead NVA and 1 wounded NVA. The wounded NVA disclosed the complex to be a 35 man hospital. Ten other personnel were wounded and thought to be in the immediate vicinity. Further investigation revealed an NVA guard who was killed trying to flee. All the captured supplies and documents were evacuated to 4th Inf Div Intelligence and the wounded NVA to the 4th Med Bn. The ground element was extracted and the Troop departed for Base Camp.

The source for this information was B/7/17 CAV 4 Feb 67 - 1 JAN 69 Unit History

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address: webmaster@vhpa.org

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