unit history information
for 155 AHC
185 RAC

For date 680304

155 AHC was a US Army unit
185 RAC was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Incident reference: 68030455.BAT This information is available on CD-ROM.
Darlac Province, II Corps, South Vietnam
Location, Camp Coryell
155 AHC losses were 2 KIA
Aircraft lost in 155 AHC were 3 UH-1H
Description: The 155th Aviation Company unit history states at 0350H the compound was again subjected to an enemy 82mm mortar attack. A total of 86 rounds fell on the compound during the nightlong attack in which B-40 rockets and bangalore torpedoes were employed to breach the perimeter. A satchel charge team infiltrated through the R&U yard, killing a Korean PA&E employee, but they were repelled by a reaction force. Other attempts by hostile elements to penetrate the perimeter proved futile and NVA casualties were eight KIA by body count along with an unknown number of wounded. Numerous weapons and items of equipment were captured. The 155th suffered two fatal casualties, both assigned to Detachment 10, 5th Weather Squadron which was attached to the company at that time. The 185th Recon Airplane Company also lost one enlisted member in the attack. Additionally some 31 personnel on the compound were wounded, 15 of which were serious enough to warrant aeromedical evacuation. Since the mortar rounds were directed at the contonment area, there was no aircraft damage; however numerous structures and vehicles were damaged or destroyed. That afternoon, while hovering out of the revetments, a UH-1H meshed rotor blades with an adjacent helicopter, causing major damage to both aircraft along with a third aircraft which was struck by flying debris. One pilot required medical evacuation for head injuries.

The source for this information was 1968 Unit History of the 155th AVN by SP4 Royce J. Campbell

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address: webmaster@vhpa.org

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