unit history information
for B/7/17 CAV

For date 680418

B/7/17 CAV was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Incident reference: 68041800.BAT This information is available on CD-ROM.
Kontum Province, II Corps, South Vietnam
Location, west of Polei Kleng
B/7/17 CAV losses were 5 WIA
Aircraft lost in B/7/17 CAV were 1 OH-6A
Description: B/7/17 Cav's AO was west of Polei Kleng in support of the 3d BDE, 4th Inf Div. They entered the AO at 0700 and conducted BDAs for the remainder of the morning. At 1157 a Scout observed a large underground storage area that had been uncovered by a B-52 strike. When the LOH moved closer to examine this hole, it was shot down by intense AW fire. The OH-6A burst into flames prior to reaching the ground. The Guns covering the downed LOH also received heavy AW fire from three .50 caliber positions. The Gun continued making gunruns until airstrikes could be obtained. The Air Force arrived on station and immediately began to work. A total of seven airstrikes were employed in rapid succession. The heavy enemy fire diminished. The Scouts made a quick pass over the area and reported both crew members of the downed aircraft were alive. DUSTOFF was called but was unable to get into the small area. The enemy fire had intensified. At 1540, B Troop selected an LZ as close to the downed crew as possible and the Blues were inserted. The first lift was on the ground and the second was on short final when three enemy AW positions began firing at the lift ships and the Blues in the LZ. One more LOH received a hit from a .50 caliber wounding the pilot. The OH-6A made a quick pass over the tree line firing his mini-gun, silencing one of the AW positions and departed for Polei Kleng. Upon reaching Polei Kleng, the pilot was taken to the 71st Evac. At 1645, the Blues reached the downed OH-6A which was a total loss and its crew. All personnel on the ground were extracted by 1715. Five WIA's were taken directly to the 71st Evac and the Blues returned to Camp Enari. All elements departed the OA at 1745. This action resulted in 7 NVA KIA's by body count, 3 AWs captured, and several .50 caliber positions destroyed.

The source for this information was B/7/17 CAV 4 Feb 67 - 1 JAN 69 Unit History

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address: webmaster@vhpa.org

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