Battle of Xom Moi II information
for 1 INF DIV
1/18 INF
1/4 CAV

From date 680505 to 680509

1 INF DIV was a US Army unit
1/18 INF was a US Army unit
1/4 CAV was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Operation TOAN THANG
South Vietnam
Location, Xom Moi II
Description: As part of TOAN THANG and the 1st Inf Div's reaction to the May 5 Offensive, B&A/1/4th Cav were sent to conduct a recon-in-force of the village of Xom Moi northwest of Di An. B Trp made contact first and A Trp reinforced. On this day 156 enemy were killed. Supported with arty and helicopter gunships they worked the area for several days and killed over 440 enemy. U.S. losses were 5 KIA and 21 WIA.

The source for this information was Turner 1st Inf P:27 & 51; Chron P:73

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address:

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