Army Reporter information
for 1 AVN BDE
147 ASHC
334 AWC
12 CAG
For date 680525
1 AVN BDE was a US Army unit
147 ASHC was a US Army unit
334 AWC was a US Army unit
12 CAG was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
South Vietnam
Description: The following is an edited version of an article titled "1st Aviation Brigade Celebrates 2nd Anniversary" dated 25 May 1968 which was mostly of collection of photos.
Photo Caption - AN UNUSUAL ANGLE -Two of the Army's workhorses work together. A CH-54 Flying Crane of the 147th ASHC lifts one of the big 155mm howitzers. (Editor's note the 147th ASHC was a CH-47 only unit so the CH-54 belonged to another company.)
Photo Caption - LOOKING FOR CHARLIE - The old but reliable Bird Dog continues its relentless search for Charlie as the mainstay of the brigade's observation capability.
Photo Caption - MONEY SAVED - A CH-47A Chinook sling loads a downed Huey slick for transport to a maintenance facility where it can be repaired. Recovery of downed aircraft by Chinooks has saved the Army an estimated $500 million worth of equipment.
Photo Caption - EYES AND EARS - The OH-6 Cayuse has replaced the Army's two previous observation helicopters as the eyes and ears of the Brigade's air cavalry squadrons.
Photo Caption - IN MOTION - A Huey AH-1G Cobra from the 334th AWC, 12 CAG is framed by the door of another chopper while on a combat support mission for II Field Force, Vietnam. Photo by 53rd Signal Battalion.
Photo Caption - IN A HURRY - Troops from the brigade's 17th CAG hurry off a Huey slick in a marshy LZ. The brigade has its own ground troops in addition to carrying troops from other units. Photo by Sp4 John Stidham, 1st Avn Bde IO.
The source for this information was 6805AR.AVN supplied by Les Hines
Additional information is available on CD-ROM.
Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address:
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