Pacific Stars and Stripes information
for NVA helicopters

For date 680623

South Vietnam
Description: 23Jun68-'No Proof Of Copters' TAIPEI (UPI) - Adm. U.S. Grant Sharp, out going commander-in-chief of the U.S. Forces in the Pacific, said here Friday that if North Vietnam is using helicopters, allied forces in Vietnam should seek them out and destroy them. Sharp, who is retiring from military service next month, said that the existence of North Vietnamese helicopters near the Demilitarized Zone has not yet been proven conclusively to my mind." However, he added, Communist helicopters "will result in the necessity for us to seek them out and destroy them because helicopters will of course give improved mobility to the other side and we just don't need to let that to on." Sharp left Taipei after a three-day visit that included a meeting with President Chiang Kai Shek. Answering questions at an airport press conference, he said the current attacks by the Viet Cong on Saigon with rockets "appear to be a plan to keep pressure on the city in order to bring discredit upon the government of South Vietnam." "The enemy seeks to generate fear, impatience, indignation and a sense of desperation with the government," he said.
Comments: ADM Sharp, Grant; ; ;

The source for this information was 6806PSS.AVN supplied by Les Hines 3/97

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