Army Reporter information
for 1 ARVN DIV
Operation = QUYET THANG

For date 680713

1 ARVN DIV was a Vietnamese Army unit
Primary service involved, Vietnamese Army
Operation LAM SON
Quang Nam Province, I Corps, South Vietnam
Location, Da Nang
Description: The following is an edited version of an article titled "Folklore Identifies Lam Son" dated 13 July 1968. Vietnamese military units prefix many of their numbered operations with names. Sometimes it is the name of a province, frequently the prefix is Quyet Thang, Resolved to Win. The 1st ARVN Inf Div uses the prefix Lam Son. Armed with the scant knowledge that Lam Son had to do with a mountain, one American adviser did a bit of spade work and turned up an explanation from Vietnamese history which gives significance to the use of "Lam Son" as a title for the Div's aggressive operations. Lam Son, or Green Mountain, is the name of a village in Than Hoa Province. There, in 1418, the Vietnamese national here Le Loi led an uprising against an early day invader from the north. Le Loi defeated the army of Chinese Emperor Minh, crushing him at Lam Son and establishing Vietnamese independence. The 1st Div commander, MG Ngo Quang Truong, feels the title appropriate. Modern battles of Lam Son, fought this time in the two northern provinces of I Corps, are helping to assure continued independence for the RVN.

The source for this information was 6807AR.AVN supplied by Les Hines

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

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