Army Reporter information
for 25 INF DIV
3 BDE 101 ABN
3/17 CAV
For date 680921
25 INF DIV was a US Army unit
3 BDE 101 ABN was a US Army unit
3/17 CAV was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Hau Nghia Province, III Corps, South Vietnam
Location, Trang Bang
Description: The following is an edited version from the weekly Vietnam Communique column in the 21 Sep 1968 issue.
The 25th Inf Div killed 173 enemy in a week of heavy contact. Action picked up for 25th Inf Div soldiers and attached elements of the 3rd Bde, 101st Abn Div as they cordoned an enemy force near Trang Bang. Following a report by a Hoi Chanh that a VC battalion was located three miles east of Trang Bang, elements of the 2/506th Abn were airlifted into the area. The paratroopers hit the hot LZ, but after a 30-minute firefight, the contact was lost. The fighting resumed in the afternoon when units began receiving rocket and small arms fire from a village. During the afternoon elements formed a cordon around the area. At least 19 enemy were killed. Elements of the 1/27th Inf killed one VC 13 miles north of Cu Chi, while helicopter gunships of the 3/17th Air Cav killed another eight miles south of Trang Bang. One additional enemy was killed by a division patrol.
The source for this information was 6809AR.AVN supplied by Les Hines
Additional information is available on CD-ROM.
Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address:
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