unit history information
for 155 AHC

For date 680923

155 AHC was a US Army unit
45 ARVN REG was a Vietnamese Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Quang Duc Province, II Corps, South Vietnam
Location, Duc Lap
Aircraft lost in 155 AHC were 1 UH-1H
Description: The 155th Aviation Company unit history states that in the afternoon, while flying in a CA in the Duc Lap area, a UH-1H was downed by enemy fire in the LZ. One aviator was slightly injuried as a result of mortar rounds falling on the LZ. The crew was not extracted until several hours later due to intense enemy ground fire. The aircraft was completely destroyed by fire. The company was honored by Major Tan, CO of the 45th ARVN Regiment, in recognition of ourstanding achievements provided to his unit during the battle of Duc Lap. MAJ Poole, the 155th's CO received the appropriately inscribed plaque for the company.
Comments: MAJ Poole; 155 AHC CO; ; MAJ Tan; 45 ARVN REG CO; ;

The source for this information was 1968 Unit History of the 155th AVN by SP4 Royce J. Campbell

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address: webmaster@vhpa.org

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Date posted on this site: 10/25/2024