Army Reporter information
for 4 INF DIV
C/7/17 CAV
2/8 INF
From date 681022 to 681028
4 INF DIV was a US Army unit
C/7/17 CAV was a US Army unit
2/8 INF was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Pleiku Province, II Corps, South Vietnam
Location, Pleiku
Description: The following is an edited version from the weekly Vietnam Communique column in the 11 Nov 1968 issue.
The 4th Inf Div encountered light action during the week killing 40 enemy soldiers. On Oct 27, 4th Div soldiers and supporting gunship crews killed 20 enemy in a contact SW of Pleiku. Helicopter gunship crews from C/7/17th Cav received small arms fire while flying a reconnaissance mission SW of Pleiku. An aero-rifle platoon was inserted into the area while elements of the 2/8th Inf moved into a blocking position. Contact was lost at 6:45 PM when the enemy withdrew. A sweep produced 20 NVA bodies and one crew-served and two individual weapons. The next day while in a night position the 2/8th Inf again came in contact with the enemy. As they received ground probes on their perimeter. An Air Force C-47 Spooky gunship was called to the scene and commenced to rake the area with heavy fire which set off three secondary explosions. Ivymen reported they could hear bodies being dragged from the area. A sweep the next morning revealed 19 bodies. In addition, 69 field packs, 59 grenades, 9 weapons, 600 rounds of small arms ammunition and 70 assorted mortar rounds were located.
The source for this information was 6811AR.AVN supplied by Les Hines
Additional information is available on CD-ROM.
Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address:
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