Americal Daily News Sheets information
for 23 INF DIV
71 AHC
For date 681026
23 INF DIV was a US Army unit
71 AHC was a US Army unit
F/8 CAV was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Quang Tin Province, I Corps, South Vietnam
Location, Chu Lai
Description: The following is an edited version from the Americal Daily News Sheets Vol. 2. No. 191 Sunday October 27.
CHU LAI (AMERICAL IO) - Americal Division soldiers accounted for 36 VC killed, 12 suspects detained, and nine weapons captured in southern I Corps yesterday.
Scattered contacts were reported by 198th Inf. Bde. soldiers yesterday.
"Blue Ghosts" of F Trp., 8th Cav. accounted for a total of four VC killed in three incidents northeast of Chu Lai.
The 1st Bn., 20th Inf. command control helicopter detained four military age male VC suspects among huts three miles south of Duc Pho.
11th Bde. infantrymen killed 10 VC, detained five suspects, and captured one individual weapon in action near Duc Pho yesterday.
"Always First" soldiers of a 3d Bn., 1st Inf. company, led by CPT James O'Herron (Winona, MN), killed five VC in three separate actions 13 miles nothwest of Duc Pho. One of the dead VC had a flag and several documents on his person.
The unit later killed four VC and captured 2,000 pounds of rice in the same vicinity.
Troops of a 4th Bn., 3d Inf. company killed one VC 11 miles northwest of Duc Pho.
The 1st Bn., 20th Inf. command and control helicopter detained four military age male VC suspects among huts three mils south of Duc Pho.
"Aero Scouts" of the 123d Avn. Bn. combined with troops of the 1st Bn., 10 Inf. to detain one military age male VC suspect, hiding in a hole near a trail, five miles south of Duc Pho.
In other action infantrymen of a 4th Bn., 3d Inf. company found a 1920 model 9mm pistol near a stream nine miles northwest of Duc Pho.
The 1st Sqdn., 1st Armored Cav. reported five VC suspects detained by "Dragoons" of C Trp. four miles southwest of Thang Binh.
In the 196th Inf. Bde. area of operations, "Charger" units killed 22 VC, captured eight individual weapons, detained two suspects, and captured 12,425 pounds of rice.
A total of seven VC were killed in five separate contacts by the 4th Bn., 21st Inf. recon. plt., in an area centered five miles south of Hoi An.
"Gimlets" of a 3d Bn., 21st Inf. company engaged a small group of VC 24 miles west of Tam Ky, killing one. Another company of the battalion killed a total of two VC in two separate actions in an area centered nine miles west of Tam Ky.
A Long Range Patrol killed a total of four VC in two separate actions in an area centered nine miles west of Tam Ky.
A Long Range Patrol killed a total of four VC in two separate actions in an area centered 26 miles west of Tam Ky. All four of the VC were killed by artillery fire directed by the patrol.
F Trp., 17th Cav. killed five VC in a cave 13 miles northwest of Tam Ky when the enemy refused to come out and surrender. The troop later killed another VC in the same area when he refused to come out of a cave.
The 71st Avn., Co combined with 196th Inf. Bde. soldiers to kill two VC six miles south of Hoi An.
"Guardians of the 2d Bn., 1st Inf. captured a total of 6,800 pounds of rice in three separate caches 24 miles west of Tam Ky.
"Gimlets" of a 4th Bn., 31st Inf. company found 5,625 pounds of rice in several huts 26 miles west of Tam Ky.
A 2d Bn., 1st Inf. company engaged two VC 21 miles northwest of Tam Ky. Both VC were wounded and detained. One K-44 rifle was captured in that action.
Under the Voluntary Informant Program (VIP), Vietnamese civilians turned in three M-79 rounds, one Chicom grenade, three smoke grenades, one 60mm mortar round, 1/2 pound of C4, 1/4 pound of Flex-X, and 1/4 pound of C3 to "Gimlets" of the 3rd Bn., 21st Inf.
Friday the 3d Bn., 21st Inf. received one .45 cal. pistol and six M-72 LAWs from Vietnamese civilians under the VIP.
The Division suffered two soldiers wounded and evacuated for medical treatment.
The source for this information was NEWS6810.AML & AVN supplied by Les Hines
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