unit history information
for 155 AHC
For date 681030
155 AHC was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Darlac Province, II Corps, South Vietnam
Location, Camp Coryell
Description: The 155th Aviation Company unit history states that during the afternoon four of their aircraft were transporting refugees to Buon R(?)o. While on short final for the LZ, a UH-1H lost power and crashed. None of the passengers were injured, however one of the crewmembers sustained serious injury. The aircraft was a total loss. Reporting on events for the month, the history states that moral remained high and recorded several contributing factors. Aircraft Commanders were assigned individual aircraft, which improved the general condition and appearance of the aircraft. The improvements to recreational facilities in the compound included frequent shows provided by the NCO Club at no extra charge. The company continued to provide aircraft for Task Force Spoiler and ARVN units but October had shown a marked descrease in enemy activity. As a result, more of the company's aircraft had been utilitzed out of the province.
The source for this information was 1968 Unit History of the 155th AVN by SP4 Royce J. Campbell
Additional information is available on CD-ROM.
Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address: webmaster@vhpa.org
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