unit history information
for 326 MED 101 ABN
For date 681031
326 MED 101 ABN was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
South Vietnam
Location, Camp Eagle
Description: The Air Ambulance Platoon monthly newsletter reported that all the old people (meaning those that deployed with the unit) have just about disappeared. On 8 Oct there was a fly-by for SFC Allen Williams, the last of the old "50th" to leave. They mentioned that the 'air ambulanc Seabees' were at work again. They built a battalion mail room and a new hot water shower. The 101st PIO covered the platoon on 54 hoist and dustoff missions for 10 days. SP4 Bigolow "Big" somehow fell off a porch in the Signal Platoon area and dislocated his shoulder. This eventually required his evacuation to CONUS. With the 1st Cav moving south, EAGLE DUSTOFF not only took over coverage around Camp Evans with the 3rd Bde but also 'liberated' Camp Evans of some materials. They reported their area as from Phong Dien (North of Camp Evans) to the Hoi Van Pass into Da Nang.
Comments: MAJ Cloke, Robert R.; Plat CO; ;
PSG Ross, Thomas L. Jr.; Plat SGT; ;
CPT Hansen, Peter M.; award; ;
CPT Turner, Otis G.; award; ;
1LT McCrary, Thomas; assigned; ;
1LT Little, Kerry; assigned; ;
CW2 Lama, John; award; ;
CW2 Semones, James D.; award; ;
CW2 Whitney, Frederick; award; ;
WO1 Dill, Charles W.; ; ;
WO1 Dillard, William T.; award; ;
WO1 Hichens, Frank; ; ;
WO1 Nesbitt, Woodrow M.; ; ;
WO1 Skarie, Loren P.; award; ;
WO1 Tucker; ; ;
SFC Ratliff, James T.; award; ;
SFC Williams, Allen C.; promo, departed; ;
SSG Sterns, Gerald L.; promo, award; ;
SGT Gaten, Azie L.; promo; ;
SP5 Goodwin, Roger; promo, award; ;
SP5 Kelley, Thomas J.; award; ;
SP5 Sanchez, Amador G.; award; ;
SP5 Stanley, Neal A.; promo, award; ;
SP5 Wright, Russell L.; award; ;
SP4 Bigolow, Jerry; evacuated; ;
SP4 Howell, Hugh L.; award; ;
SP4 Miller, Henry R.; award; ;
SP4 Munoz, Gary E.; award; ;
SP4 Thompson, Anthony R.; award; ;
SP4 Wagoner, Larry; assigned; ;
SP4 Zuck, Keith E.; award; ;
PFC Burdo; ; ;
PFC Jordal, Jerry; assigned; ;
PFC Runion, Richard G.; award; ;
The source for this information was 326 MED DET Monthly Newsletter 1 Nov 68
Additional information is available on CD-ROM.
Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address: webmaster@vhpa.org
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