unit history information
for 61 AHC

For date 681031

61 AHC was a US Army unit
40 ARVN REGT was a Undefined unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Binh Dinh Province, II Corps, South Vietnam
Location, LZ ENGLISH
Description: The 61st AHC unit history reported that formal classes were conducted on the care and cleaning of the M-16 rifle for all personnel armed with the weapon. Special classes were given to enlisted crew members concerning emergency procedures and responsibilities and on aerial machine gun firing techniques. Gunship pilots and crews received classes on the new 17 pound warhead for the 2.75 rockets. The Vietnamese Gallantry Cross was awarded to WO1 Peter Chouinard, WO1 Carlisle Vereen, and WO1 Sammuel L. Kyle. These men were cited for their brave actions and dedication to duty while in support of the 40th ARVN Regt in the De-Duc Area.
Comments: WO1 Chouinard, Peter; award; ; WO1 Kyle, Sammuel L.; award; ; WO1 Vereen, Carlisle; award; ;

The source for this information was 61 AHC History 1 Jan - 31 Dec 68 by 1LT Steven A. Helm

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address: webmaster@vhpa.org

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