unit history information
for HMM-164
From date 690101 to 690131
HMM-164 was a US Marine Corps unit
SLF-B was a US Navy unit
MAG-15 was a US Marine Corps unit
Primary service involved, US Marine Corps
Quang Nam Province, I Corps, South Vietnam
Description: The Command Chronology states that during the reporting period HMM-164 supported SLF Bravo and the embarked BLT 3/26 during a rehearsal 8 Jan in preparation for Operation Bold Mariner. 1010 Marines were lifted to LZ Peyton and returned to LPH-10 and LPD-5 in 3 1/2 hours. Just 5 days later on 13 January 1969 HMM-164 lead by its CO LTC R.T. Trundy, landed the assault forces of Bold Mariner by lifting 1156 combat marines of BLT 3/26 (Rein) into the Batangan Peninsula in 3 hours and 20 minutes flight time. The strike was extremely difficult in that the weather was 500 feet overcast with 1 mile visibility. Fortunately no enemy fire was received during the insertion of the BLT. During the remainder of the reporting period the squadron supported Bold Mariner with logistical resupply, troop movement, and medical evacuation. The squadron was responsible for the transporting of a large percentage of the approximately 11,000 detainees moved to the Combined Holding and Interrogation Center (CHIC). In addition the squadron flew administrative flights for SLF Bravo and the Amphibious Ready Group. Grand totals as incidacted in Part IV, Statistical Summary, were 4932 sorties, 818.4 tons, 15,024 passengers including 195 medevacs for 1078.2 total hours for the month.
Comments: LTC Trundy, R.T.; HMM-164 CO; ;
MAJ Ribbeck, A.F.; HMM-164 XO; ;
MAJ Wilson, D.D.; HMM-164 Opns Off; ;
CPT Blanchbield, R.J.; HMM-164 Admin Off; ;
MAJ McGan, R.J.; HMM-164 Maint Off; ;
MAJ Eichelberger, J.M.; HMM-164 Supply Off; ;
CPT Gause, F.L.; HMM-164 Intel Off; ;
1LT Wall, T.U.; HMM-164 NATOPS Off; ;
MAJ Birzer, E.A.; HMM-164 Safety Off; ;
The source for this information was HMM-164 Command Chronology Jan 69 dated 15 Feb 69
Additional information is available on CD-ROM.
Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address: webmaster@vhpa.org
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