unit history information
for A/7/1 CAV
44 STZ
B/7/1 CAV

For date 690114

A/7/1 CAV was a US Army unit
44 STZ was a Vietnamese Army unit
B/7/1 CAV was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
South Vietnam
Location, 44 STZ
Description: The 7/1st Cav ORLL states: During Operation BLACKHAWK in the 44th STZ, Troop A and Troop B simultaneously made contact with two VC Bn infiltrating down through the 44th STZ from Cambodia. Both troops made contact at approximately the same time in areas about 30KMs apart. Troop A discovered numerous sampans and personnel at WS740820 resulting in a large ammunition and equipment capture as well as the first 107RL with 56 rounds found in IV Corps. Troop B, working to the east, at XS050650, made contact while inserting ground troops into a possible enemy base camp. The contact lasted throughout the afternoon resulting in 79 VC KBA and 10 passible VC KBA. The total results for the Sqdn on that day were: KBA 183, Possible 29, POW 23. The inclosure at the back of the ORLL contains a long list of items captured or destroyed.

The source for this information was 7/1 CAV ORLL dated 14 Feb 69

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address: webmaster@vhpa.org

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