Americal Daily News Sheets information
for 23 INF DIV

For date 690115

23 INF DIV was a US Army unit
F/8 CAV was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Quang Tin Province, I Corps, South Vietnam
Location, Chu Lai
Description: The following is an edited version from the Americal Daily News Sheets Vol. 3 No. 16 Thursday January 16. CHU LAI (AMERICAL IO) - Twenty three of 30 weapons, more than were captured in the previous 11 days combined, and a large supply of parts and ammunition were uncovered by two companies of the 2-1 Inf. during light action in the southern I Corps yesterday. Americal Division forces also reported killing three NVA and 12 VC, finding three VC bodies, detaining 22 VC suspects, and capturing almost eight tons of rice in two caches. The light action extended to Operation Russell Beach as joint assault troops again concentrated on removal of Vietnamese civilian refugees from the area before pushing forward to root out enemy troops and fortifications. Acting on a tip from an NVA prisoner, Cos. C and D, 2-1 Inf. combed an area 23-1/2 miles northwest of Tam Ky to uncover a cache of 14 individual and nine crew-served plus parts and ammo for those and other weapons. Other action in the 196th Inf. Bde. area saw two NVA and two VC killed, two more weapons and 13,800 pounds of rice taken, and 21 refugees relocated. Co. D, let by 1LT James Sanders (Arvada, CO) made the main discovery at 1430 hours by turning up 10 SKS rifles, five Chicom light machineguns, a 12.7mm anti-aircraft machinegun, a 7.62mm heavy machinegun, an RPG-7 launcher, and an M-16 rifle. Also captured were two 81mm and one 60mm mortar sights, an 81mm mortar mount, a Chicom recoilless rifle mount, an M191A1 tripod for a .30 caliber machinegun, two AK-47 rifle barrels, 14 bangalore torpedoes, and 700 electrical blasting caps. An hour earlier, Co. C. took a .50 caliber machine gun, 75 rounds of RPG-7 ammo, 1600 rounds of 12.7mm ammo, and 1000 feet of det cord. Co. C also destroyed 55 huts and 40 bunkers. Co. D continued digging and found 13 B-40 rockets, 12 82mm mortar rounds, two shields for a 12.7mm anti-aircraft machine gun, 1000 more feet of det cord, and an undetermined amount of AK-47 ammo. Nearby, the third platoon of Co. D raided a hootch and left with an 82mm mortar sight found with aiming sticks and a bore brush, 12 NVA packs, six NVA gas masks, five NVA rucksacks, and a U.S. steel pot. In the morning, Co. D had killed two NVA in a nearby firefight and captured two AK-47 rifles. The other weapon taken was a .38 caliber pistol used by a VC wounded and captured by Co. A, 4-31 Inf. 20 miles west of Tam Ky. The VC kills were by Cos. D and C, 3-21 Inf. 11 and 14-1/2 miles west-northwest of Tam Ky. B/3-21 Inf. located 13,800 pound sof rice, including six tons found 9-1/2 miles west of Tam Ky. Three tons went to the refugee center at Nui Loc Son. Co. B also destroyed two new NVA hootches in the vicinity. F Trp., 17th Cav., which destroyed three recently-used hootches and ferreted miscellaneous enemy equipment from a tunnel, also moved 17 refugees to Que Son from an area 22 miles west of Tam Ky. C/4-31 Inf. moved four refugees from than area to Nui Loc Son. Operation Russell Beach, the assault on the Batangan Peninsula 20 miles southeast of Chu Lai by Americal, Marine, Navy and ARVN forces, was relatively uneventful. Americal units, comprised of the 5-46 Inf. and the 4-3 Inf., killed one VC and captured a ton of rice. A/4-3 Inf. killed the VC in the Batangan area shortly after noon, and D/4-3 Inf. found the rice five miles northeast of Quang Ngai City and sent it to a refugee center. Over 1400 refugees had been checked through Americal lines before noon and, when the exodus had slowed considerably, the 11-1/2 mile cordon of troops began its slow sweep toward the sea where Navy elements maintain their coastal blockade. The assault, largest of the Vietnam War, is designed to end enemy domination of the heavily-reinforced peninsula area, a source of enemy refuge and supply for almost 20 years. Operation Russell Beach incidents accounted for the only contact in the 198th Inf. Bde. area. A/4-21 Inf., let by 1LT Thomas L. Smith, killed an NVA and a VC, discovered three VC bodies, captured a weapon, and destroyed an a enemy base camp. Other 11th Inf. Bde. units killed two VC and took one weapon. Co. A killed the NVA and got his K-44 rifle near a stream 22 miles west of Duc Pho and nearby found graves on a hillside of three VC killed by artillery. Co. A later killed a VC fleeing a nearby hut in a clearing. The "Gimlets" also moved into an enemy base camp aof 12 huts, eight latrines, an aid station, a mess hall and several bunkers. Recent footprints were apparent, and Co. A found medical supplies, bear traps and a large number of pigs running loose. Cos. A and B of the 1-20 Inf. each killed a VC west of Duc Pho. Co. A added 15 VC suspects while Co. B captured a K-44 rifle, an M-26 grenade, and M-60 machinegun ammo. "Blue Ghosts" of F Trp., 8th Cav., killed five VC in four incidents west-northwest of Tam Ky, and A/1-1 Cav. killed one VC west of Tam Ky in comparatively heavy action in the 1-1 area. Seven Americal Division soldiers were killed and 15 wounded and evacuated for medical treatment, according to an initial report.

The source for this information was NEWS6901.AML & AVN supplied by Les Hines

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