ORLL report information
for 7/1 CAV
44 STZ

From date 690131 to 681101

7/1 CAV was a US Army unit
44 STZ was a Vietnamese Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Vinh Long Province, IV Corps, South Vietnam
Location, Vinh Long
Description: The 7/1st Cav ORLL states: During the reporting period the Sqdn reported 4 KIAs, 39 WIAs; 4 OH-6As destroyed, 28 damaged; 2 UH-1Hs destroyed, 12 damaged; 1 AH-1G destroyed, 11 damaged. HHT flew 1,244 hours with 0 accidents; A Troop 6,972 and 3; B Troop 5,346 and 0; C Troop 5,868 and 0. Operations: the Sqdn continued Operation BLACKHAWK in the 44th STZ to interdict and harass enemy movement across the Cambodian border into the Delta. Primarily, two troops were used in this role on a daily basis. On occasion, one troop would be diverted to work in general support of one of the Division operations to perform a visual reconnaissance of the OA prior to insertions, BDAs, or to screen the flanks of the Division OA. The arrival of Troop B enabled the Sqdn to continue operating with two ACTs along the border and still support the Divisions. In Jan, the Sqdn was given the overall responsibility for the defense of the airfield perimeter. The S-2 and S-3 sections took over this responsibility, completely reorganized the defense system and assigned areas to various tenant units. They centrally located and controlled the Fire Fly, Hero Hootch, and Medevac assignments.
Comments: LTC Crook, George R.; Sqdn CO; ; MAJ Johnson, Harold L.; Sqdn XO; ; CPT Fields, Raymond A.; Sqdn S1; ; CPT White, Robert K.; Sqdn S2; ; MAJ Bissell, Norman M.; Sqdn S3; ; MAJ Ambergor, William J.; Sqdn S4; ; 1LT Cashion, Gary G.; Signal Off; ; CPT Kunishi, John F.; Flt Surgeon; ; CPT McManus, Charles K.; Safety Off; ; MAJ Weaver, James H.; Maint Off; ; CPT Fracker, Stanley S. III; HHT CO; ; MAJ Sheaffer, Phillip G.; A Troop CO; ; MAJ Thompson, David E.; B Troop CO; ; MAJ Leins, David V. Jr.; C Troop CO; ; CPT Grandel, Ronald D.; D Troop CO; ;

The source for this information was 7/1 CAV ORLL dated 14 Feb 69

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address: webmaster@vhpa.org

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