unit history information
for 20 SOS

For date 690213

20 SOS was a US Air Force unit
Primary service involved, US Air Force
Incident reference: 69021320.BAT This information is available on CD-ROM.
South Vietnam
Description: The abbreviated unit history states: In February, Sergeant Isidro Arroyo, Jr was a crew member on one of eight Green Hornet Hueys supporting a Special Forces unit in the Central Highlands when word came in that the SF team was surrounded by the enemy and involved in a firefight. Two gunships and one slick made the approach to recover the team while the remaining five aircraft stayed out of range. As Arroyo's chopper dove into the battle, it was hit by small arms fire. The fuel tank began to burn. The crew attempted a distress call, but a bullet had disabled the radio as well. The chopper made a controlled landing, although heavily damaged. The crew destroyed equipment and data that the enemy might use and then made contact with the other helicopters via survival radio. Trees around their position made landing impossible for the attempted rescue of Arroyo and his comrades. While their saviors hovered over the clearing with rope ladders dangling, gunships rakes the trees with minigun fire. Sergeant Arroyo was the second man up the ladder to safety, but went back down when the copilot was unable to climb and fell. With the officer in his grip, he started back up the ladder. The copilot, in deep shock, struggled with the NCO. Gunfire raged all around them. As Arroyo reached the halfway point up the ladder, he felt his grip slipping. The Huey lowered Sergeant Arroyo and the copilot into a tree where he was able to get a better grip on the officer. He was then able to complete his climb to safety.
Comments: SGT Arroyo, Isidro; ; ;

The source for this information was Abbreviated unit history

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address: webmaster@vhpa.org

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