unit history information
for 1/52 INF 23 INF
For date 690213
1/52 INF 23 INF was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Incident reference: 69021398.BAT This information is available on CD-ROM.
Quang Tin Province, I Corps, South Vietnam
Description: The following is an edited extract from the 1/52 Inf S2/3 Journal.
At 1055hrs a Warlord team engaged 1 military age male carrying rice at BT156050 and wearing green uniform without a weapon. Results: 1 KIA. At BT173034 observed 2 black uniforms in hootch. Results: 1 hootch, 2 uniforms destroyed. At BT200040 observed 2 fresh graves. At BT166037 destroyed 2 camouflage hootches. At BT164034 destroyed one camouflage hootch. Broke station at 1105hrs.
1355hrs a D Co. element at BT203148 received automatic weapons fire from approximately 3-4 weapons and 2 machine guns at gird BT198146 approximate range 400 meters. Also received 4 60mm mortars rounds from SW plus possible 51 cal fire. Returned with artillery. 1400hrs a FAC on station worked on a possible airstrike for BT198146. 1415hrs D Co. requested an urgent dustoff for 1 US wounded due to hostile action. He had a gunshot wound in the neck. Gunship escort was requested from Dustoff control. 1430hrs Dustoff complete by C&C taken 27th Surgical. Believe C&C took several rounds of sniper fire. Checked out the helicopter, no hits. The wounded man was: Holst.
1500hrs an A Co. element at BT268118 encountered a mine resulted in 1 US wounded by hostile action. 1515hrs Dustedoff by C&C, taken to 27th Surgical. Had a shrapnel wound in right leg. The wounded man was: Young.
1515hrs the same A Co. element at BT268118 engaged 1 NVA in a green uniform carrying a pack with a weapon at BT265111. Results: 1 NVA KIA, 2 AK47, 2 packs captured. 1545hrs 1 US wounded due to hostile action by a mine. Suffered shrapnel wounds in the neck, head and leg. Dustoff requested. 1610hrs Dustoff complete, patient was taken 312th Evac. The wounded man was Johnson.
1735hrs D Co. reported that the Brigade C&C ship, while taking packs and resupply to D Co. at BT192143 received automatic weapons fire from the east. Results: 1 US wounded due to hostile action, the copilot name: LT Barker. He took one 30 cal round through the chest. Now in surgery in critical condition.
Comments: 1LT BARKER DANA RANDOLPH; 198 INF 23 INF pilot; KIA;
The source for this information was 6902_152_jrn supplied by Les Hines 11/30/1999
Additional information is available on CD-ROM.
Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address: webmaster@vhpa.org
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