unit history information
for A/7/17 CAV

For date 700415

A/7/17 CAV was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Incident reference: 70041525.KIA This information is available on CD-ROM.
Pleiku Province, II Corps, South Vietnam
Location, Camp Holloway
Description: A/7/17th Cav reported their Scouts were once again on a recon mission in the same area of the previous action, when a Scout ship received fire and crashed, killing the observer and wounding the pilot to the point that he could not help himself or the dead observer. The bravery of the Blues was totally unquestioned as they rapelled into the hot LZ in order to cut a hasty area for extraction. The Lift ship then removed the men on the ground and the dead observer's body. The Blues, while on the ground, discovered 6 NVA KIA's, numerous packs, and 12 weapons. There were destroyed. Repeated rocket runs on the area by the Guns resulted in secondary explosions, but they only received light fire.
Comments: SP4 SLAGLE LARRY RAY; A/7/17 CAV Observer; KIACM;

The source for this information was A/7/17 history by WO1 Charles E. Smith III

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address: webmaster@vhpa.org

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Last updated 12/25/2000

Date posted on this site: 05/13/2023