Southern Cross information
for 198 BDE 23 INF

For date 710122

198 BDE 23 INF was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Quang Tin Province, I Corps, South Vietnam
Location, Chu Lai
Description: The following is an edited version of an article titled "Division nets 48 enemy" by SP4 David Goodrich. In relatively light action last week, the men of the Americal Division accounted for 48 enemy dead, while capturing a number of others. As part of Operation Geneva Park, the Christmas cease-fire period brought light action this week accounted for seven enemy killed, four enemy captured, and two detained. The "Brave and Bold" of the 198th Infantry Brigade also captured several enemy weapons and found a rice cache. Two enemy were killed by the "Professionals" of the 5th Battalion, 46th Infantry while conducting an eagle flight mission northwest of Chu Lai. Company A was inserted into a heavily vegetated area and, observed two enemy soldiers. The enemy were killed. Combat was also light for the 1st Battalion, 52nd Infantry as the "Ready Rifles" killed two enemy, wounded and captured one and found a deserted enemy basecamp. Late in the week, Delta Company, working northwest of Tra Bong, engaged two evading enemy and killed one while capturing two packs. In the same general area, the company found an enemy basecamp compound of 20 structures and bunkers. Inside the structures were numerous articles of clothing and cooking utensils, 18 Chicom grenades, and other supplies. Charlie Company of the "Ready Rifles" accounted for the other battalion kill while working south of Chu Lai, during a brief firefight. The company wounded and captured and enemy soldier in an eagle flight mission. The "Regulars" of the 1st Battalion, 6th Infantry killed one enemy and detained three during the week. Several weapons and a rice cache were also confiscated.

The source for this information was 7101_404_scr supplied by Les Hines 01/2000

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address:

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