Southern Cross information
for 196 BDE 23 INF
2/1 INF
For date 710122
196 BDE 23 INF was a US Army unit
2/1 INF was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Quang Tin Province, I Corps, South Vietnam
Location, LZ Hawk Hill
Description: The following is an edited version of an article titled "Intuition leads troops to NVA camp" by SP4 Zin Balaban 196th Inf. Bde. IO.
HAWK HILL - Soldiers of the 23rd Infantry Division's 196th Infantry Brigade recently demonstrated how to intuitively find an enemy location and netted themselves two enemy kills and confiscated equipment as a result. The 2nd platoon of Company D, 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry spotted a ville half hidden by a clump of banana trees while heading toward their night defensive perimeter. At first glance it looked like any of the other villes passed through that day by the platoon. "However, it looked suspicious to us," said 1LT James R. Rhodes, the platoon leader from Sheridan, Wyo. "It was definitely too quiet." A closer inspection revealed there were no inhabitants in the hootches. "The silence and emptiness of the ville prompted us to investigate closer," continued the lieutenant. Suddenly, they heard movement along the trail which entered the village from a different direction. They hid in bushes, silently awaiting the enemy. After a few moments, five NVA soldiers and one nurse, each carrying a pack and weapon came into view. When they stopped, the 2nd platoon opened up with a barrage of small arms fire. SGT Stephen R. Haynes second squad leader from Fairfiled, Ohio, was first to enter the ville afterwards. "What immediately struck my eye were the scattered pools of blood," related Sgt. Haynes. "Then I spotted an AK-47 partially hidden by some brush." Next, the 23rd Division infantrymen swept through the area of contact which revealed two dead NVA and an AK-47 rifle. Also captured in action were packs filled with rice, salt, and other foodstuffs plus various medical supplies.
The source for this information was 7101_404_scr supplied by Les Hines 01/2000
Additional information is available on CD-ROM.
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