Southern Cross information
for 3/16 ARTY

For date 710122

3/16 ARTY was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Quang Tin Province, I Corps, South Vietnam
Location, Tien Phuoc
Description: The following is an edited version of an article titled "Tien Phuoc has arty" by SP4 Guy Winkler 23rd Inf. Div. IO. Tien Phuoc - Ears ring from thundering blasts of 155 howitzers, the acrid smell of burning in powder invades the nostrils as a cloud of smoke engulfs the battery. Moments later, the RTO shouts, "All rounds on target." The mission is successful as a platoon of enemy soldiers six miles away lie victims from artillery fire from the 3rd Battalion, 16th Artillery at the fire support base here. Since arriving in Vietnam in April 1967, the 3/16 Arty has annihilated over 2,000 enemy soldiers, wounded 1,000 and destroyed over 18,000 structures. CPT James Kilpatrick of Pine Bluff, Ark., Battery Commander says that his battery is responsible for over 200 enemy dead this year. "The enemy's location is detected either by radar, actual sight or Hoi Chanh information that is given after the one-time enemy rallies to the RVN," said the captain. Once the information is gathered, it's only a matter of minutes before "smoke is brought on Charlie." Monsoon rains are uncomfortable for any soldier fighting in Vietnam. Knee deep mud is everyhere as the constantly pounding rain has no mercy for wet and shivering men. Helicopter air support is virtually impossible. When the men of B Battery are not firing a mission, the time is spent cleaning their howitzer and performing the necessary maintenance required to keep the gun in firing condition. There are times between missions, however, when waiting seems to never end as time drags on and sometimes before the call is received for artillery support.

The source for this information was 7101_404_scr supplied by Les Hines 01/2000

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

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