Army Reporter information
for 1 AVN BDE
From date 710208 to 710214
1 AVN BDE was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
South Vietnam
Location, Ca Mau
Description: 01Mar71- Vietnam communiqué Feb. 08-14 Page 2
1st Avn Bde
Helicopters of the 1st Aviation Brigade engaged an undetermined-size enemy force six miles south of Tam Ky in Quang Tin Province on the morning of Feb. 8. The gunships used onboard ordnance to kill five enemy. There were no friendly casualties. Later in the day far to the south in Chuong Thien Province, helicopter gunships on f the 1st engaged an estimated enemy squad while working in support of Republic of Vietnam armed forces 19 miles south-southwest of Vi Thanh. Six enemy were killed and six bunkers destroyed. There were no friendly casualties. On the night of Feb. 11 in An Xuyen Province, helicopter gunships of the 1st, while on a visual reconnaissance mission 41 miles southwest of Rach Gia, encountered an unknown-size enemy force. The results were five enemy killed and no friendly casualties. Also in Military Region 4 the next morning helicopter gunships of the 1st engaged an unknown-size enemy force 40 miles northwest of Ca Mau in Kien Giang Province. The contact lasted 30 minutes and resulted in seven of the enemy killed with no friendly casualties.
The source for this information was 7103AR.AVN supplied by Les Hines
Additional information is available on CD-ROM.
Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address:
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